credit union survey strategy with LiveSurvey

David Deckelmann in Strategic Survey Ideas, Surveys

The Three Tenets that Should Shape Your Credit Union Member Surveys

Much of member loyalty is driven by their perception of how convenient a credit union’s products and services are. Higher convenience correlates strongly with higher loyalty.

Credit union survey strategy from livesurvey

David Deckelmann in Member Insight, Strategic Survey Ideas, Surveys

Changes Credit Unions Have Made After a Member Survey

Credit union member surveys let you now how your members feel about your service and performance. It’s always great to hear when they’re happy. However, sometimes members let you know when something isn’t up to par. When your members are unhappy, that’s when it’s time to make changes. There’s no point in surveying your members […]

Credit union survey questions livesurvey

David Deckelmann in How-to Guide, Member Insight, Strategic Survey Ideas

Credit Union Member Survey Ideas

Here’s a revolutionary idea: asking people about their experiences in order to improve them in the long run. Credit union member surveys reveal significant, actionable member insight that can take your services to the next level. Financial institutions don’t just deal with money—they also deal in the social currencies of trust and loyalty. People turn […]