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David Deckelmann in Article, How-to Guide
Don’t Let Detractors Get You Down
Immediate follow-up and attempted resolution is also a powerful way to reduce negative word of mouth. In the old days, when a member was upset they would pick up the phone and call your contact center. Now, the member picks up their smartphone to angrily inform to their 432 Facebook friends how terrible their Credit Union is! Keep your Facebook profile clean by following up to negative survey responses immediately.

David Deckelmann in Article, How-to Guide
NPS Step-by-Step: How to Get Beyond the Numbers
It's important to recognize that the effort to measure and understand the member experience is not an expense, but rather it's an investment in creating more profitable members. A better Mx will create happier members which can have a big impact on your bottom line.

David Deckelmann in How-to Guide
Designing Your NPS Survey: Keep it Simple
Getting started with NPS is probably easier than you think. The most basic NPS survey is only two questions long. That's it. You can add more-- but you don't have to. Especially at first. There is power in its simplicity.

David Deckelmann in How-to Guide
Introduction: Your 2018 Member Experience Playbook
Thanks to cloud technology, NPS is finally accessible to small and medium-sized credit unions as well. CU's have always known how to "connect" but struggled to effectively manage the frequency and quality of these connections.

cuw in Article
Is the “Likert Scale” the Key to Measuring Member Sentiment?
What is the Likert Scale? Have you ever had a hospital ask how satisfied you were with your recent visit? What about a department store asking how much you “agree with the following statement”? If so, then you have already had some experience using the Likert scale. This scale is commonly used for measuring the […]

David Deckelmann in Article, How-to Guide
NPS Tune-up: 3 Common Mistakes, Plus 2 Winning Tips
Is it time for an NPS Tune-up? Implementing NPS is easy. Implementing it effectively is not. If you’re thinking about pursuing an NPS strategy at your Credit Union, or even if you already have, here are some common mistakes to avoid, and some great tips to help fine-tune your approach: Common Mistakes Mistake #1: Too […]

cuw in How-to Guide
Inbox or Mailbox: Where Should You Survey Your Members?
In this series of posts, we will explore the idea of using member surveys to improve service. Being based in the Credit Union industry, we’ll be looking at the topic from the perspective of Credit Unions who want to create their own survey. In other words, how to use a DIY approach. The last “W” […]

cuw in Article
Are You Still Mailing Your Member Surveys?
When I first started at the Credit Union (last century), member survey time was a big deal every year. Ah, those were exciting times: focus groups, phone calls, mass mailings, all to get the responses needed to understand how our members felt about the products and services they were receiving from us. Times have changed […]

cuw in How-to Guide
The Truth about “One Question” Metrics: What Does a Good Survey Ask?
In this series of posts, we will explore the idea of using member surveys to improve service. Being based in the Credit Union industry, we’ll be looking at the topic from the perspective of Credit Unions who want to create their own survey. In other words, how to use a DIY approach. What Should I […]