We’ve been sending out surveys to the recipients of our weekly LiveSurvey emails. We’ve been asking questions about Thanksgiving preferences, Halloween costumes, and soon, all manner of winter-holiday-themed goodies.

We promise there’s a reason for all this. Actually, there are several reasons. They’re all very good reasons, we’re sure you’ll agree. As a survey company, we know the true value of surveys. As it turns out, quizzes and data collection are important for more than just credit union NPS surveys.

The True Meaning of Christmas Surveys

At LiveSurvey, we strive to make our credit union surveys flexible, informative, and unobtrusive. However, we understand that many people don’t like any of those adjectives. We’re also willing to bet that they don’t like fun.

We’ve been creating these fun surveys so that we can familiarize people with the LiveSurvey platform. Additionally, our fun, low-stakes NPS surveys show off how people can use LiveSurvey to measure any number of metrics that might matter to you. Whether you want to know if the tellers at your branch are delivering great member service, or if people appreciate banking with you, or if your coffee is any good. 

Let’s take a look at what our fun surveys accomplish.

1.     Demonstrate Flexibility

It’s too easy to think of credit union member surveys as tools to measure only the most strictly-relevant information. Typically, NPS surveys are straightforward, singular in their drive to measure a necessary quality. They’re questions like these:

  • Was our online loan portal easy to navigate?
  • How likely are you to recommend Our Credit Union to a friend?
  • How were the wait times in our branch lobby?
  • Are you satisfied with your deposit account?

These survey questions gauge member satisfaction with either their relationship with the credit union as a whole (“How likely are you to recommend Our Credit Union to a friend?”), or with individual transactions they’ve participated in at that credit union.

Typically, these surveys ask for a rating of 0-10, and they spit out a number based on the aggregate totals of the survey responses. That number is converted into a net promoter score.

LiveSurvey can ask a variety of different, user-defined questions. Also, LiveSurvey allows for more than just 0-10 or yes-and-no answers. LiveSurvey questions can be answered with numbered scores, yes/no/maybe-style responses, graphics, or written responses. However a credit union wants to measure something, LiveSurvey strives to accommodate that style of measurement.

2.     Promote Informativity

Although NPS survey results are well understood and standardized, they don’t tell the whole story. The data they produce doesn’t do much to explain “why” or “how” those scores came about.

The flexibility of the LiveSurvey platform encourages better questions, more complete answers, and the opportunity for credit unions to ask for explanatory input, if needed. As a result, LiveSurvey delivers more informative, comprehensive answers to the questions that every credit union wants answered.

For example, with LiveSurvey, you might ask, “On a scale of 0-10, how easy to use was our online bill pay feature?” So far, so normal. Like any other credit union NPS survey, the results will reflect an NPS of -100 to 100. Usually, you’d look at your score of, let’s say 68, and say, “hey, not bad!” But you wouldn’t know why you’re doing so well.

With LiveSurvey, you can introduce additional modifiers or follow-up questions. You can also ask, “why?” or perhaps, “what would you change?”

3.     Remain Unobtrusive

If there’s one thing we’ve learned form the internet over the last 15-20 years, it’s that people love taking quizzes. People want to feel relevant.

We could be wrong, but maybe that’s why people will take a 50-question quiz to help them identify what kind of cheese they are, or which character they resemble from That One 90’s Cartoon People Watched: because they want personal attention from their quizzes.

So, when we make surveys, especially fun, holiday-themed surveys, we’re giving you a chance to introduce your experiences to the rest of the world. You help us create a bigger, fuller, better picture of the people that make the credit union industry great.

We design all of our NPS surveys to be quick, easy, and relevant. Some of them are fun. Most of them are useful. None of them take long. Surveys should respect peoples’ time.

What Have We Surveyed About Recently?

If you’d like to see what kinds of surveys we’ve made recently, check out the results of some of our holiday surveys! You can see what other credit union industry professionals say about their own holiday traditions. 

credit union nps survey LiveSurvey

You can find answers to burning questions, including whether you prefer canned or homemade cranberry sauce at your Thanksgiving table.

Or, to learn more about the more professionally-oriented uses for the LiveSurvey platform, follow the links below.

What is the Difference Between Relationship Surveys and Transactional Surveys

What are the Top 3 Surveys that Credit Unions use