Customer effort score surveys are relatively new to the survey scene. Already they’ve made quite an impact. And it’s not hard to see why. Read on to see why you should make a CES survey for your credit union.
One thing to remember is that CES surveys measure only one thing. So, while it may be important to send out CES surveys to your members, it shouldn’t be the only kind of survey you send.
Now on to why you should use CES surveys!
More Convenience, More Loyalty
Imagine you want some ice cream. There are two places nearby that sell it. You have to decide which place to go.
The first place is handmade in house and has all the flavors you like, but their lines are really long. You know you’ll have to wait thirty minutes to sample, let alone get your scoop(s). Not only that, but they take only cash, so you’d have to visit an ATM before you went there.
The second place is a chain and has fewer flavors that you like, but you could be sampling them within a minute of walking in. Plus, they take cards and even mobile payments.
Which place will you choose?
The answer doesn’t matter all that much. The point is, you can easily see how a higher-quality product doesn’t necessarily translate to brand loyalty. Just because you prefer one brand or product over another doesn’t mean that you’re loyal to it.
What if you’re in a hurry? You don’t want to jump through hoops. You just need convenience.
Credit Union CES Surveys
Your credit union is (mostly) completely different from an ice cream parlor. Yet the basics are the same: people don’t want to jump through hoops to get what they want.
The easier you make things for your members, the more loyal they’ll be.
CES surveys measure convenience and efficiency. They help your credit union see which services create friction for your members. In turn, that helps you address and eliminate that friction to provide better member experiences.
Are the lines in your branches too long? Is it too hard to find an ATM? Is it too difficult to apply for a mortgage? How many steps does it take to set up automatic bill pay?
These are things you want to keep track of. The best way of doing so is with a credit union CES survey. Just ask about your products and services to see which ones are making your members’ lives harder. Then, fix it.
Balancing Credit Union Survey Types
Unfortunately, CES surveys alone won’t cut it for your credit union. There’s just so much more that goes into member experience.
NPS surveys can help you see how people feel about your credit union in general. They make an excellent complementary survey. Their member satisfaction metric is easy to use and understand. Using a combination of the two will provide a much more complete picture of your credit union’s member experience.
(Here is some more information about CES vs NPS surveys for credit unions.)
How to Survey Your Credit Union
Ultimately, you should use a variety of question types in your next credit union member survey. A CES survey will certainly help. It could be a difference maker in your overall customer loyalty.
Still, although a CES survey would be helpful, it wouldn’t be a complete strategy. Sprinkle in other survey types, such as NPS survey questions, to get a more holistic view of your credit union’s member experience.
If you’d like to see more about how to improve your credit union’s member experience, subscribe to our blog. We keep it updated weekly with useful information about surveys and survey strategy. Also, follow the links below to see more like this.
Credit Union Member Survey Ideas
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