Did you know that there are some survey questions that people prefer answering? It’s true. Asking the right kinds of questions can even help you increase your survey response rates.
Recently, we let our pals at Credit Union 2.0 try out our credit union-specific survey platform out. They weren’t able to use our niftiest features, such as integration with core software. Still, they got the same kind of basic functionality as they would with any other survey platform.
How to Increase Survey Response Rates
If there’s one thing that people like, it’s convenience. In fact, convenience is a major predictor of customer loyalty.
Unfortunately, some surveys are inconvenient for participants. Here are a few things that increase the inconvenience of a survey:
- Too many questions
- Complicated questions
- Difficult or inapplicable response options
Basically, anything that increases the amount of mental legwork required will make people give up early. To increase survey response rates, make surveys as easy and simple as possible to complete!
Here’s what CU2.0 found.
The Best Credit Union Survey Questions
Here are some of the highlights that CU2.0 found.
There were a few question formats that people liked the best. Not surprisingly, they tended to be the easiest question types to answer.
For example, the 5-point Likert scale was very well-received by participants:
Also very popular—and in no uncertain terms—was the simple Yes/No question type. People liked the Yes/No question because it’s super easy to answer. It’s uncomplicated, allows for snap judgments, and requires people to take a stand:
So, what else did people like? Think back to standardized testing in schools…
That’s right! Multiple choice questions.
For whatever reason, people felt nostalgic for when answers were simpler. More likely, people appreciated that multiple choice questions remove even more mental work from the equation. Instead of gauging how they felt and finding a corresponding number, all they have to do is choose one of several best-fit options.
Here’s how people responded to their multiple choice question:
Ultimately, their survey results showed that people most appreciated easy-to-answer questions. However, they also concluded that every question type has its place on a survey.
More Ways of Increasing Survey Response Rates
CU2.0’s research found several illuminating credit union survey strategy tips. You can read the whole piece here.
Many people will tell you that one of the best ways to increase survey response rates for credit unions is to provide incentives. For instance, some people might offer gift cards. Others give entry to sweepstakes.
Incentives, payments, and prizes are all well and good. However, making surveys easier to take accomplishes the same thing. Moreover, surveys that require minimal effort ensure that participants’ annoyance with taking the survey doesn’t color the survey results.
Additional Reading
If you’d like to read more about credit union survey ideas or strategy, follow the links below to learn more.
Or, if you’d like to see how your credit union could benefit from using member surveys, simply request a demo!
Credit Union Survey Strategy Tips: How Often to Survey Your Members