Here at LiveSurvey, we talk a lot about how to get better survey results. That’s the goal, isn’t it? To one day receive validation for all the hard work you do to keep your members happy?
But it’s rare to see overwhelmingly positive feedback. Even among glowing reviews, there’s always one Negative Nancy. So, let’s talk about what to do when you do get low survey scores.
Who’s Scared of Low Survey Scores?
The thing is, bad survey results bum most people out. They’re a reflection of the things that you’re not doing. Or worse, the things you’ve failed at. On their surface, bad feedback is a sad reflection of your professional effort.
But here at LiveSurvey, we feel differently. In fact, we love low survey scores.
But why is this?
Because negative feedback is an opportunity!
No, we’re not even kidding. Low survey scores are one of the best things you can see. And to prove it, we’ll give you two very good reasons why we like them every bit as much as nice reviews.
Negative Feedback Is Honest Feedback
You know how kids try their hand at drawing and painting? And sure, there are the occasional prodigies, but most of them throw color theory, perspective, and basic shapes right out the window?
But how parents put their kids’ art up on their refrigerators anyway?
And then they tell their kids that they’re super talented?
Well, do you ever wonder if maybe that’s what your members are doing to you? Do you worry that maybe they’ve come to develop a relationship with you, and now they can’t provide objective feedback because they’re scared of hurting your feelings?
The great thing about negative feedback is that you know that even if they’re sugar coating things, they’re not lying to you. They’re telling you straight up that something is wrong.
Bonus: they like you enough to tell you. They’re giving you a chance to rectify things.
So that’s one way that low survey scores are better than talentless crayon depictions of families standing outside of houses.
It’s about the Journey, Not the Destination
Please forgive the cliché. But also, please believe it.
Here’s the thing about survey scores:
There’s always room for improvement. You should never be satisfied until you’ve got a perfect score. And believe us—as survey professionals, we have yet to see a perfect score.
So, if you believe that the goal of surveys is to find ways to improve your services…
Then low survey scores are the easiest way to spot areas for improvement!
The same won’t be true if your scores are all middling or generally positive. You might see that people are generally content, but not thrilled. And that will give you no clue about where to improve.
But negative feedback?
Now that’s where you can really start to fix up whatever’s holding you back.
Further Reading
So, what should you do when you get low survey scores?
Well, first you should make sure all stakeholders know that this is an opportunity, not a setback. And then?
It’s time to celebrate!
You just got the most useful feedback available!
Now, subscribe to our blog! We’ll keep you up to date with the latest in surveys and credit union member experience tracking. (Or just follow the links below. It’s all good.)
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