David Deckelmann in Article

Help Your Promoters Spread the Word

It isn’t that impressive when a credit union toots their own horn, but when others do it, the results can be stunning. Member testimonials and online recommendations are extremely powerful and have the highest effectiveness rating for every type of content marketing. Online reviews have an amazing reliability rating of 89 percent. Use this easy technique to boost your online reputation.

credit union member insight

David Deckelmann in Article

Move Over, NPS, There’s a New Metric in Town

Experimenting with a blend of [Member Effort Score and NPS] can help you improve your services and give you a better picture of your member’s loyalty to your credit union.

David Deckelmann in Article, How-to Guide

NPS Tune-up: 3 Common Mistakes, Plus 2 Winning Tips

Is it time for an NPS Tune-up? Implementing NPS is easy.  Implementing it effectively is not.  If you’re thinking about pursuing an NPS strategy at your Credit Union, or even if you already have, here are some common mistakes to avoid, and some great tips to help fine-tune your approach: Common Mistakes Mistake #1: Too […]

David Deckelmann in Article

Real-time Surveys Can Help Your Credit Union Avoid Disaster

Surveying your members is all about improving your business.  While there are many different methods and approaches to go about collecting feedback, for help in navigating day-to-day obstacles, nothing beats transactional surveys.  It doesn’t really matter what methods you are using to measure by.  Using transactional data to generate surveys to members immediately after an […]

David Deckelmann in Article

More Member Complaints = Better Service?

Bill Gates is quoted as saying “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning”.  In other words, member complaints are like gold to a credit union.  As Credit Unions, we love our members, and they love us– we’re proud of that fact.  But the reality is that this love-fest doesn’t help us improve […]

Non-annoyed Member

David Deckelmann in Article

Stop Trying to Delight Your Members

Most people know the story about the Nordstrom employee who let a customer return a set of snow tires despite the fact that the store never carried them. Or the one about the Zappos employee who spent six hours on the phone with a customer, just to keep him company. These stories are nice, but […]