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David Deckelmann in Surveys
How Credit Union Executives Feel About Christmas
Have you ever wondered how credit union executives feel about Christmas? Here’s What Our Survey Revealed! Surveys are a powerful tool for learning more about the people around you—whether it’s your members or your peers. We recently conducted a fun holiday survey among Credit Union executives, and the results were both surprising and insightful! […]

David Deckelmann in Survey strategy, Surveys
How Member Surveys Can Reveal Upsell and Cross-Sell Opportunities
It’s not always easy using the massive amount of data that credit unions create. Fortunately, survey data doesn’t require analytics to be useful.

David Deckelmann in Strategic Survey Ideas, Surveys
What is the Benefit of Peer Benchmarking?
Peer benchmarking is the process of evaluating your credit union against its competitors. While comparing two or more businesses, you may learn about how well match up against similar organizations. That’s all well and good, but does comparing oneself to the competition help? In this blog, we’ll look at how to use this information to […]

David Deckelmann in Livesurvey product, Member Insight, Strategic Survey Ideas, Surveys
Credit Union Member Experience Tools: SurveyMonkey vs LiveSurvey vs Member Loyalty Group vs Raddon vs SoGo Survey
Credit union member surveys measure member satisfaction across a broad range of metrics. Credit unions can use this member feedback to add, eliminate, promote, or refine products and services. Survey responses also help credit unions find problem areas and pain points to be addressed.

David Deckelmann in Surveys
Relationship vs. Transaction Surveys
Credit unions must keep in touch with member needs if they want to grow. The best way to do that is with member surveys. There are two major categories of member surveys: Relationship and transaction.

David Deckelmann in Member experience, Surveys
Why Every Credit Union Should Use Surveys
Being member owned, credit unions don’t just care about their members, their business is built around them. Ergo, the best way to measure a credit union’s success is by the satisfaction of their members.

David Deckelmann in Surveys
What Is a Live Survey? And Why Would I Want One?
A question we’ve found ourselves answering fairly often is this: What is a live survey? Considering that “live survey” is literally a part of our name, we might as well take the time to answer. So, without further ado, let’s take a deeper look at our definition of a live survey. Then, we’ll discuss why […]

David Deckelmann in How-to Guide, Member Insight, Strategic Survey Ideas, Surveys
How You Can Give Your Credit Union Members a Voice (Hint: It’s a Survey)
Credit unions thrive on member insight. Surveys are one easy way to give all of your members a voice.

David Deckelmann in Strategic Survey Ideas, Surveys
Best Credit Union Member Survey Strategy for Transaction Surveys
There’s no such thing as one best, or even five best transaction survey questions. The best questions depend on what you want to know