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David Deckelmann in Article, NPS, Surveys
Why are Relationship Surveys Important?
Do you know why Relationship Surveys are so Important? While some of our mothers may protest to the contrary, nobody’s perfect. Credit unions are the same. If you’re looking for ways to improve your business, where would you start? We figure the best way to begin the slog toward improvement is by assessing where you currently […]

David Deckelmann in Article, NPS
What are the Pros and Cons of a Net Promoter Score?
Do you know the Pros and Cons of a Net Promoter Score? If you’re looking for some kind of data to give you insight about how customers feel about your business, you may consider finding your net promoter score, or NPS. Let’s look at some of the pros and cons of an NPS. People talk. […]

David Deckelmann in Article, Uncategorized
The Answer to the Number One Question – NPS or MES. That is the question.
Net Promoter Score -or- Member Effort Score That is the question. The Number One Question What is the difference between Net Promoter Score and Member Effort Score for Credit Unions? There are multiple tools available for measuring member satisfaction in the credit union world: namely, the Net Promoter Score and Member Effort Score. You’ve […]
David Deckelmann in Article, Uncategorized
Member Effort Score and Why its Important
Why is Member Effort Score important for Credit Unions? Are you familiar with the term “Member Effort Score”? LiveSurvey frequently gets asked what it means, and if you’re not already utilizing member effort score—also commonly known beyond the credit union industry as Consumer Effort Score or CES—it’s time to get on board. This […]

David Deckelmann in Article
Out of touch with Your Membership?
Did you know: 80% of companies say they provide great service, but only 8% of consumers say they receive "great service" from the companies that serve them. In other words, 90% of companies who say they provide great service are just plain wrong. Are you one of them?

David Deckelmann in Article, How-to Guide
Don’t Let Detractors Get You Down
Immediate follow-up and attempted resolution is also a powerful way to reduce negative word of mouth. In the old days, when a member was upset they would pick up the phone and call your contact center. Now, the member picks up their smartphone to angrily inform to their 432 Facebook friends how terrible their Credit Union is! Keep your Facebook profile clean by following up to negative survey responses immediately.

David Deckelmann in Article, How-to Guide
Focus on Transactions to Build Better Relationships
Every interaction has an impact on the relationship. But service transactions are more influential than branding or environmental touchpoints. And, as we've discussed before, service interactions are far more likely to drive disloyalty than loyalty. So if you’re not running transaction-level surveys, there's a hole in your bucket.

David Deckelmann in Article, How-to Guide
NPS Step-by-Step: How to Get Beyond the Numbers
It's important to recognize that the effort to measure and understand the member experience is not an expense, but rather it's an investment in creating more profitable members. A better Mx will create happier members which can have a big impact on your bottom line.

David Deckelmann in Article
Is Your Credit Union Truly Member-Centric?
It’s clear that the member experience is more important than ever. To win the hearts (and wallets) of tomorrow’s members, Credit unions need to become even more focused on being member-centric organizations.