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David Deckelmann in Article
Out of touch with Your Membership?
Did you know: 80% of companies say they provide great service, but only 8% of consumers say they receive "great service" from the companies that serve them. In other words, 90% of companies who say they provide great service are just plain wrong. Are you one of them?

cuw in Article
Do You Know How Well Your Employees Performed Yesterday?
Getting Feedback About Member Experience is Critical to CU Success If you don’t know how your staff served members yesterday, it may be a sign that you should rethink how your credit union tracks, measures, and analyzes its performance. Credit union managers often focus on their marketing efforts to attract those who are leaving banks […]

David Deckelmann in Article
Real-time Surveys Can Help Your Credit Union Avoid Disaster
Surveying your members is all about improving your business. While there are many different methods and approaches to go about collecting feedback, for help in navigating day-to-day obstacles, nothing beats transactional surveys. It doesn’t really matter what methods you are using to measure by. Using transactional data to generate surveys to members immediately after an […]