David Deckelmann in Survey strategy

Six Ways Credit Unions Can Use Member Feedback

How many ways are there to use member feedback? At the risk of being cheeky, that depends on the kind of feedback you get. Still, without getting into specifics, there are a few overarching themes about how to leverage survey information. Let’s look at how member feedback can move your credit union in the right […]

Credit union millennial connection with livesurvey

David Deckelmann in Survey strategy

Having Trouble Bringing Millennials and Gen Z to Your Credit Union?

No doubt you’ve seen the stats. If you haven’t, then you’ve probably at least heard them. And they don’t paint a promising picture for the future of credit unions: 75+% – the number of Millennials and Gen Z who don’t know what credit unions are 47+ – the average age of credit union account holders […]

Member experience survey for credit unions from live survey

David Deckelmann in Survey strategy

What to Avoid when Creating a Member Experience Survey

A good member satisfaction survey can help you take the pulse of your membership and learn what they’re really thinking. Survey feedback provides the insight you need to take your services to the next level. Unless that survey is used improperly, that is. If you don’t survey well… Or if you don’t use the results […]

Member satisfaction survey for CUs from livesurvey

David Deckelmann in Survey strategy

Three Credit Union Member Satisfaction Surveys You Need to Send

Ahh, the life of a credit union professional. You’re out there doing your darndest every day to keep your members taken care of and happy. (Okay, maybe some days you slack off just a little.) But after you put in all that effort, how do you know that your efforts paid off? How do you […]

What to do with bad survey scores from livesurvey

David Deckelmann in Survey strategy

What to Do When You Get Low Survey Scores

Here at LiveSurvey, we talk a lot about how to get better survey results. That’s the goal, isn’t it? To one day receive validation for all the hard work you do to keep your members happy? But it’s rare to see overwhelmingly positive feedback. Even among glowing reviews, there’s always one Negative Nancy. So, let’s […]