credit union nps value

David Deckelmann in Credit unions, NPS, Strategic Survey Ideas, Survey strategy

Decoding the Value of Credit Union NPS

It’s easy to think your net Promoter Score (NPS) is arbitrary. However, even as a vague, catch-all metric, it can tell you a lot. LiveSurvey and Maps Credit Union looked deeper into what their NPS was telling them. What they learned was downright surprising. Read on to learn more about the value of credit union […]

Maps Credit Union building

David Deckelmann in Credit unions, Strategic Survey Ideas, Survey strategy

LiveSurvey Helps Maps Credit Union Increase Young Adult Member Engagement

Background Maps Credit Union is a $1.25B financial institution serving over 76,000 members in the beautiful Willamette Valley, Oregon. Maps put a lot of effort into building out their digital banking capabilities in the last several years and they wanted to measure their efforts. Maps sees digital excellence as part of their strategic growth initiative. […]

livesurvey credit union survey case study

David Deckelmann in Credit unions

Developing a Data-Driven Feedback Program at Your Credit Union

Do you believe that member feedback can be a strategic advantage? Do you want to use member feedback to improve your member experience, enrich your data, power your marketing, and grow your credit union? Maps Credit Union accomplished just that. This webinar highlights how Maps Credit Union combined data analytics and member sentiment to improve […]

credit union survey use cases with livesurvey

David Deckelmann in Survey strategy

15 Survey Use Cases for Credit Unions

Credit unions have two options when it comes to the voice of the member: Listen or ignore. If you listen to the voice of the member, you may uncover better strategic options and direction. If you ignore them, you have to trust that you what your members need better than they do. That said, balancing […]

Nps for credit unions from livesurvey

David Deckelmann in Uncategorized

The Ultimate Credit Union NPS Guide (Part 2)

This is Part 2 of a 5-part series about credit union NPS. Read Part 1 here to learn what NPS is!

Credit union nps guide from live survey

David Deckelmann in Survey Metrics

The Ultimate Credit Union NPS Guide (Part 1)

Almost every industry uses the Net Promoter Score (NPS) or something like it to measure customer satisfaction. And credit unions—along with other financial institutions—do as well.

Credit union NPS score form live survey

David Deckelmann in Survey Metrics

Five Reasons Why NPS Scores Are Unreliable

NPS surveys provide a standard customer satisfaction metric across multiple industries. So, why shouldn’t you rely solely on your NPS score?