David Deckelmann in Article, How-to Guide

Don’t Let Detractors Get You Down

Immediate follow-up and attempted resolution is also a powerful way to reduce negative word of mouth. In the old days, when a member was upset they would pick up the phone and call your contact center. Now, the member picks up their smartphone to angrily inform to their 432 Facebook friends how terrible their Credit Union is! Keep your Facebook profile clean by following up to negative survey responses immediately.

David Deckelmann in How-to Guide

Introduction: Your 2018 Member Experience Playbook

Thanks to cloud technology, NPS is finally accessible to small and medium-sized credit unions as well. CU's have always known how to "connect" but struggled to effectively manage the frequency and quality of these connections.

cuw in Article

Old-fashioned NPS Gets an Update

Also called "Drip" or "Waveless" NPS, real-time NPS is the modern version of the Ultimate Question. Technology-centered CUSO’s like LiveSurvey can modernize your NPS by automating the admin and analysis so you can focus on insight and action. Modern NPS is no longer a periodic check in, but rather an ongoing measure of member relationship health, generating insights leading to real improvements.

David Deckelmann in Article

Ride Member Loyalty to Increase Profits

Understanding your member loyalty will help you predict which members are ready for new offers from you. Even more critical is knowing which members are at risk of defecting, and what steps you need to take to prevent it.