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David Deckelmann in Strategic Survey Ideas
Member Survey Question Ideas for Credit Unions
Embarking on the journey of credit union surveys may leave you wondering which questions to ask. While we can’t provide a one-size-fits-all set of questions, we can offer guidance on crafting survey questions tailored to your credit union’s needs. Read on to see what kind of questions you might ask your members… depending on your […]

David Deckelmann in Survey strategy, Surveys
How Member Surveys Can Reveal Upsell and Cross-Sell Opportunities
It’s not always easy using the massive amount of data that credit unions create. Fortunately, survey data doesn’t require analytics to be useful.

David Deckelmann in Strategic Survey Ideas, Surveys
What is the Benefit of Peer Benchmarking?
Peer benchmarking is the process of evaluating your credit union against its competitors. While comparing two or more businesses, you may learn about how well match up against similar organizations. That’s all well and good, but does comparing oneself to the competition help? In this blog, we’ll look at how to use this information to […]

David Deckelmann in Survey strategy
Are You Surveying the Right Members at Your Credit Union?
Not only is it possible to get biased results by surveying the wrong people—it’s also possible to introduce noise that makes results hard to understand.

David Deckelmann in Survey strategy
Qualitative vs Quantitative Feedback in Member Experience Surveys
Credit union member experience surveys should look for a balance of qualitative vs quantitative feedback. Read on to learn more.

David Deckelmann in NPS, Survey Metrics
Credit Union Fee Income vs. Member Sentiment
Fee income is the boogeyman of choice in credit unions these days, but how much does it affect member sentiment? See the NPS results here.

David Deckelmann in Survey strategy
How Mid Oregon Credit Union Increased Member Satisfaction
Mid Oregon Credit Union, a $600m institution serving Central Oregon. Here’s how they increased member satisfaction in their call center.

David Deckelmann in Survey strategy
The Easiest Way to Increase Your Survey Response Rate
You can essentially double or triple your survey response rates by sending reminder emails.

David Deckelmann in Survey strategy
Survey Language: How You Ask the Question Matters
Recently, a credit union reported an NPS score of 85. For reference, the average credit union NPS is in the mid-40s. A good NPS is in the 60s. So sure, 85 is possible, but it warrants further examination.