Credit union member survey strategy with live survey

David Deckelmann in Survey strategy

DIY Credit Union Member Surveys: Who, What, When, Where, and Why

In this post, we will explore the idea of using member surveys to improve service. Being based in the credit union industry, we’ll be looking at the topic from the perspective of credit unions who want to create their own survey. Basically, this is a DIY guide.

David Deckelmann in Survey Metrics, Survey strategy

Survey Comment Categorization Is Better Than NPS

Credit unions all across the US still cling to their NPS scores. And why not? It’s a recognizable metric that monitors direction and performance over time. Plus, it can be used for peer benchmarking—if you’re into that sort of thing.

David Deckelmann in Survey strategy

Credit Unions: Use That Marketing Consent Question!

Marketing consent questions should be used in far more surveys. That holds true especially for organizations that feel they don’t have as many marketing resources as they’d like.

Marketing attribution transaction surveys with livesurvey

David Deckelmann in Strategic Survey Ideas

Why You Need an Attribution Question in Transaction Surveys

The short version of this blog can almost be summed up like this:

Credit union employee survey from livesurvey

David Deckelmann in Strategic Survey Ideas

Forget Members… Send a Credit Union Employee Survey!

In any field, it’s easy to get so focused on one thing that you lose sight of everything else. And, in with credit unions, that one thing is usually our members.

Credit union member surveys from livesurvey

David Deckelmann in Member experience, Surveys

Why Every Credit Union Should Use Surveys

Being member owned, credit unions don’t just care about their members, their business is built around them. Ergo, the best way to measure a credit union’s success is by the satisfaction of their members.

David Deckelmann in Survey strategy, Uncategorized

12-Month Credit Union Survey Plan and Roadmap

Building a strong survey program can be a challenge. Asking the right questions is just the tip of the iceberg.

David Deckelmann in Strategic Survey Ideas, Survey strategy

How Credit Unions Are Using Surveys During COVID-19

Operations have drastically changed for most credit unions since COVID-19. There isn’t much “business as usual” going around.

David Deckelmann in Credit unions

How Surveys Contribute to Credit Union Member Growth

Credit union member growth can be hard. It takes dedication to build up an institution and brand that attracts your community. You’ve invested in advertising and the other costs that come with member acquisition. So, you feel it when a member ditches you for someone else. Attrition is the enemy of growth.