How to improve NPS for credit unions

David Deckelmann in Survey Metrics

The Ultimate Credit Union NPS Guide (Part 3)

This is Part 3 of a 5-part series about credit union NPS. Read Part 1 to learn what NPS is or Part 2 to learn what your score means!

Nps for credit unions from livesurvey

David Deckelmann in Uncategorized

The Ultimate Credit Union NPS Guide (Part 2)

This is Part 2 of a 5-part series about credit union NPS. Read Part 1 here to learn what NPS is!

Credit union nps guide from live survey

David Deckelmann in Survey Metrics

The Ultimate Credit Union NPS Guide (Part 1)

Almost every industry uses the Net Promoter Score (NPS) or something like it to measure customer satisfaction. And credit unions—along with other financial institutions—do as well.

David Deckelmann in Livesurvey product, Member Insight, Strategic Survey Ideas, Surveys

Credit Union Member Experience Tools: SurveyMonkey vs LiveSurvey vs Member Loyalty Group vs Raddon vs SoGo Survey

Credit union member surveys measure member satisfaction across a broad range of metrics. Credit unions can use this member feedback to add, eliminate, promote, or refine products and services. Survey responses also help credit unions find problem areas and pain points to be addressed.

Credit union SMS survey alerts for members

David Deckelmann in Survey strategy

Texts vs. Emails: SMS Survey Alerts for Credit Unions

Hey credit unions… Ever thought about what text messages would do for your survey response rate? Well, we’ve made it really easy to find out!

Transaction survey vs relationship survey from livesurvey for credit unions

David Deckelmann in Surveys

Relationship vs. Transaction Surveys

Credit unions must keep in touch with member needs if they want to grow. The best way to do that is with member surveys. There are two major categories of member surveys: Relationship and transaction.

Credit union journey mapping from live survey

David Deckelmann in Survey strategy

Credit Union Journey Mapping: What It Is and Why It’s Important

Journey mapping is a way to visualize or understand a person’s path from Point A to Point B. It has become an important tool in tracking consumer experience for many use cases…

Bad member experiences mean positive reviews with live survey

David Deckelmann in Survey strategy

Turn Bad Member Experiences into Positive Reviews

Unless you live alone, you probably do some chores (we hope). And you probably get criticized more for undone chores than thanked for completed ones, right? Forget to clean the bathroom one time and then hear about it for months…

Credit union voice of the member program with livesurvey

David Deckelmann in Member Insight

4 Must-haves for Your “Voice of the Member” Program

Credit unions today must compete with big banks and fintechs alike. To attract and retain members, credit unions must tap into the voice of those members.